Rotary D5170 Vietnam Project

Since 2015, we've
hours through tutoring, service trips, and more
with generous donations from the Rotary District 5170 Vietnam Project community & private donor matching
ultra-durable soccer balls to children all over the world
With your help, we're hoping to do even more.

What We Do
We're an international organization fighting one of the world's global atrocities: human trafficking, also known as modern-day slavery.
We support girls and other at-risk youth in Vietnam to stay in school to avoid becoming a victim of human trafficking. Our educational sponsorships support books, uniforms, school supplies, school lunches, and health insurance.

Did you know?
of victims across the world are sourced from the Asia-Pacific region
victims of human trafficking are being abused globally
of human trafficking involves sexual exploitation
Our Global Grant Partners

Support our project!
Please send your donation check made out to Rotary District 5170 Foundation to:
Rotary District 5170 Office
c/o Vietnam Project
2570 N. First Street Suite 200, San Jose, CA 95131
Or, you can donate through PayPal below. Thank you for helping to combat human trafficking!
How can I get involved?Other than donating to us, you can support us at the fundraisers & events that we'll be hosting throughout the year, volunteer for Pacific Links' English Online Tutoring Program (ETOP), and join us on our annual service trip to Vietnam. Follow us on Instagram (@rotaryvietnamprojectd5170) to stay updated on upcoming events!
Do I need to be a part of Interact or Rotary to get involved?No—anyone can support RVP! And if you decide to apply to join our leadership team, not being a part of either won't put you at a disadvantage.
We're interested in sponsoring Rotary District 5170 Vietnam Project. Who should I reach out to?Hey there! We're glad you're interested in our initiative and mission—you can contact us at RotaryVietnamProjectD5170@gmail.com for more information.
We'd like to have Rotary District 5170 Vietnam Project present for an event or meeting. Who can I contact?Great! You can reach us here for more information: RotaryVietnamProjectD5170@gmail.com
RVP in depth
Check out this video presentation put together by our current co-chairs to learn more about the Rotary Vietnam Project and what you or your organization can do to take part!